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Keeping Good Employees


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   and Reap the Rewards

In today’s competitive marketplace, you probably want employees who have more than education and experience. Most likely, you’re also looking for people with creativity, attitude, personality and goals.

Just make sure you have the type of workplace where ambitious, high-energy staff members can thrive. Here are seven smart workplace characteristics that can keep top employees satisfied:

An entrepreneurial environment.
Talented employees are motivated by the opportunity to be part of an actively growing company where they can make a difference.

A relaxed dress code.
Many companies of all sizes have discovered that their employees are more relaxed — and therefore more efficient — in casual garb.

Diverse responsibilities.
A workplace where employees are continually challenged is ideal for recruitment and retention.

The feeling of being part of a team develops motivated, satisfied employees who feel a stronger connection to their colleagues.
Flexible schedules.
By accommodating employees’ personal commitments, companies establish an environment that is focused on good performance, rather than a "punch-the-clock” mentality.

Feedback and communication.
A talented employee thrives on making an impact, so he or she is usually bursting with ideas and feedback. This is a strength, not an annoyance. Take advantage of it.

Mentors and coaches.
Mentoring and coaching is not the same as managing and supervising. The difference lies in useful interaction between new and veteran staff members.

Retain Employees With a Family-Friendly Workplace

One key to employee retention is to create an environment that's tailored to your staff members’ family and personal situations. This enables them to strike the proper balance between life and work.

When you espouse family-friendly policies, your business is on its way to becoming a “company of choice”— a preferred destination for employees, customers and investors.

These benefits don’t have to cost a fortune. Some perks can be provided only as needs arise, such as “flex” time, job sharing, or play space for employees' children who lack adequate day care for a day or so. Here are four more suggestions:

  Fun events. Frequent family outings and recreational activities can boost a company’s spirit. Consider sponsoring weekend retreats, which can serve as mini-vacations for busy working people.
  Interaction. The best companies encourage staff members and managers to take an interest in each other’s lives. Employees’ families should feel welcome in the workplace, enabling them to know and understand your company.
  Maternity and paternity leave. A birth is one of a family’s most rewarding experiences. Companies that provide liberal leave for either parent display a “family first” philosophy.
  Child care. A quality day care facility can make the difference in whether a productive employee remains with a firm or moves on.

Employees need support to stay happy, efficient and motivated. By helping provide that help, you’ll end up with lower turnover and higher profits.



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